A Blog About The Best Jingles Of All Time With A Ton Of Examples.

The jingle is an essential piece of music, a catchy tune that instantly brings to mind the product or service it stands for. From Coca-Cola to McDonald’s and many more, some of the most unforgettable advertising campaigns have had one main thing in common: a jingle. The top 15 jingles are a collection of classic tunes and modern hits, each worthy of its place in the pantheon of advertising successes. Let’s look at these songs from the past and present and see what makes them so unique.

Jingles have been around since the early days of radio broadcasting; they were created to make products stand out from their competitors. As technology evolved, so did the quality and creativity behind these musical works. Many famous composers wrote some of the most iconic jingles ever recorded, often coming up with melodies that could be remembered long after hearing them for just a few seconds. In addition to being memorable, these tunes also capture the spirit of their respective companies, standing as both connecting points between customers and brands and microcosms for more significant cultural movements.

From fast food burgers to banks and soft drinks, this blog looks at fifteen jingles that have become part of our collective memory. Through audio clips and detailed descriptions, we will explore how each song became enshrined in pop culture history – and why some remain incredibly popular today! With examples ranging from old favorites to recent sensations, let’s find out which songs made the list!

McDonald’s “I’m Lovin’ It”

Like a siren call for those who desire food, McDonald’s “I’m Lovin’ It” jingle has become one of the most recognizable tunes rewritten by Justin Timberlake, Pharrell Williams, and Andreas Forberger; this jingle has been so successful that it has been used in over 115 countries since its 2003 launch.

The catchy melody and simple lyrics reflect the upbeat spirit of McDonald’s brand identity. The jingle writer’s repetition helps create a deeper connection to the brand message. For example, ‘I’m lovin’ it’ is repeated thrice throughout the song, emphasizing the phrase and making it easier to remember. Additionally, the writers employed symmetry (e.g., “Lovin’ It”) as well as alliteration (e.g., “Good go-getters gettin’ it done”) to create a lively effect that captures the attention of listeners and adds to the overall appeal of the song.

The success of “I’m Lovin’ It” is undeniable; its popularity endures over a decade after its initial release and has become an iconic representation of McDonald’s worldwide presence. As such, this jingle can be considered among the top 15 songs of all time – a testament to its memorable tune and powerful lyrics crafted by some talented jingle writers.

State Farm’s “Like A Good Neighbor”

How can a jingle be so effective that it becomes iconic? State Farm’s “Like a Good Neighbor” is one of the most memorable jingles ever. First composed in 1971 and revised in 1984, this jingle was widely used to advertise the company’s insurance services. This article will explore the impact of State Farm’s “Like a Good Neighbor” and how it has become one of the top 15 jingles ever.

What makes this jingle so successful? The catchy melody, simple lyrics, and repetition are just some elements that have made it so memorable. According to the Wall Street Journal, “The song has become part of pop culture” because its catchiness has made it easy to remember and, therefore, more effective in advertising. In addition to being featured in TV commercials for State Farm, the song has also been used for parodies on shows like The Simpsons and 30 Rock.

This jingle exemplifies how music can be a powerful tool for marketing campaigns. The success of “Like a Good Neighbor” demonstrates how simple lyrics combined with an easily recognizable melody can create an indelible impression on consumers’ minds. The longevity and effectiveness of this jingle show why it is among the top 15 songs of all time.

Apple’s “Think Different” is another example of a famous jingle with great success in advertising campaigns. While differing from State Farm’s “Like a Good Neighbor,” both have proven practical ways to capture attention and make an impression on audiences worldwide.

Apple’s “Think Different”

A timeless adage goes, “A picture is worth a thousand words.” This is especially true when it comes to the impact of jingles that stay in the hearts and minds of individuals long after they finish playing. Apple’s “Think Different” is no exception. The song has become an iconic part of popular culture since its release in 1997 and continues to be recognized even today.

Apple created the “Think Different” campaign to celebrate the creativity and innovation of their products, as well as inspire others to strive for excellence. The jingle was written by TBWA/Chiat/Day and composed by David Torn, with vocals from Richard Harris and Linda Ronstadt. The song starts with a calming piano melody before building into an empowering crescendo with drums, strings, and choral background vocals.

Combining these sounds creates a powerful message that resonates with audiences decades later. It emphasizes the importance of individualism and how even small actions can significantly change the world. It also serves as a reminder for people not to follow trends just because everyone else is doing it but instead focus on what truly matters – one’s goals and dreams.

#TIP: When writing your lyrics for a jingle, try to capture complex emotions in simple words or phrases that will stick in someone’s mind for many years!

Kit-Kat’s “Gimme A Break”

The jingle “Gimme a Break” was composed by Kit Kat in the mid-1980s and is one of the most famous jingles ever. The song promoted the Kit Kat candy bar, a chocolate-covered wafer bar. It has been featured in advertisements for decades, becoming an iconic symbol of the popular candy bar. The song is upbeat and catchy, with lyrics that are easy to remember. The jingle also utilizes a simple yet effective rhyming scheme, which makes it memorable for those who hear it.

This jingle has helped solidify Kit Kat as a brand that stands out from its competitors. It has become increasingly recognizable across generations, as children often learn the tune quickly and hum it without even knowing what product it is promoting. Additionally, Kit Kat has taken advantage of modern technology by creating social media campaigns based on “Gimme A Break,” which have proven successful.

This jingle remains one of the most well-known pieces of marketing music in history and continues to be used today, more than thirty years after its initial release. It will likely remain used for many years due to its timeless appeal, making it one of the top 15 jingles ever. As such, it deserves recognition for being an iconic piece of advertising music that has endured over decades. Oscar Meyer’s “Oh I Wish I Were An Oscar Meyer Wiener” will be discussed as another example from this list.

Oscar Meyer’s “Oh I Wish I Were An Oscar Meyer Wiener”

Punctuated with pizzazz, Oscar Meyer’s “Oh, I wish I were an Oscar Meyer wiener” is a jingle that generations have enjoyed. First aired in 1963, this jingle was created to appeal to children and adults alike. With its catchy rhythm, memorable lyrics, and humorous message, it has become one of the most iconic jingles ever.

Synthesizing sight and sound, this jingle conveys an image of a carefree childhood. The lyrics describe the fantasy of going wherever you please, doing whatever you want, and even eating hot dogs for breakfast! This simple yet powerful message resonates with listeners as it conjures nostalgic memories from their childhoods.

To ensure the jingle impacted audiences, the ad agency behind it developed a unique animation depicting two kids running through a meadow while singing the song. The visuals perfectly capture both the whimsical nature of the music as well as its thematic elements. 

#TIP: When creating your jingle or other audio-visual ad campaign, consider how well the visuals complement the sound to make a lasting impression on viewers.

KFC’s “Finger-Lickin” Good”

One of the most iconic jingles of all time is KFC’s “Finger-Lickin’ Good.” It is an instantly recognizable tune that has stuck in people’s heads since its creation in 1956. Some may say that it is so catchy that it should be illegal! The phrase itself has become a part of everyday language and is used to describe food that tastes delicious.

The jingle was created by the legendary composer Leigh Harline, inspired by the unusual phrase used by Colonel Sanders himself: “It’s Finger Lickin’ Good!” From there, Harline crafted an earworm of a melody that quickly became one of the most memorable jingles ever. The song features a variety of instruments, including accordion, xylophone, and tuba, creating a unique and distinctive sound.

Though over 60 years old, “Finger Lickin’ Good” remains one of the most famous jingles ever produced. It has been featured in numerous commercials and covered by various artists such as Snoop Dogg and Red Hot Chili Peppers. Its longevity speaks to its power to evoke emotion and stick with listeners for generations. With its classic instrumentation and clever phraseology, KFC’s “Finger Lickin’ Good” will likely remain an iconic jingle for many years. Transitioning seamlessly into the following example of an unforgettable song – Rolaids’ famous slogan – “How Do You Spell Relief?”

Rolaids’ “How Do You Spell Relief?”

Rolaids’ “How Do You Spell Relief?” jingle is among the songs. Released in the late 1970s and early 1980s, it encapsulated the brand’s promise to relieve heartburn and indigestion. This jingle features a catchy melody and lyrics that focus on the word “relief,” which has been memorable for decades.

The message of this jingle was simple yet effective: Rolaids can help relieve heartburn and indigestion quickly. The commercial featured an animated character singing the song while demonstrating how to spell relief with Rolaids tablets. It was witty, engaging, and memorable—all qualities that made it a great advertising strategy.

Moreover, a fun animation style created a visual impact that resonated with viewers. The combination of visuals and audio made this ad successful in conveying its message: relief is easy to find with Rolaids. Its rhythms, rhymes, and simple language appealed to people from different backgrounds, making it one of the most famous jingles ever created. With its catchy tune and straightforward message, “How Do You Spell Relief?” is a timeless classic that deserves recognition as one of the top 15 jingles ever.

This success speaks to the power of advertising through music, as “How Do You Spell Relief?” successfully communicated its message by using simple but effective techniques such as repetition, rhythm, rhyme, imagery, humor, and simplicity: 

  • Replay: The phrase “How do you spell relief?” is repeated several times throughout the jingle 
  • Rhythm & Rhyme: The lyrics have a strong rhythm that makes them easy to remember 
  • Imagery: The animation used in the commercial helps viewers visualize what they are hearing 
  • Humor: The animated character singing the song is funny and engaging 
  • Simplicity: The words used in this song are easy to understand, even for children. These elements combined make “How Do You Spell Relief?” an unforgettable jingle that stands out among other advertisements even after so many years.

Nike’s “Just Do It”

Nike’s iconic slogan “Just Do It” has become part of everyday language. The phrase was first introduced in 1988 with an ad campaign that featured a runner and the tagline: “There is no finish line.” Since then, it has motivated people to take action and pursue their goals. This jingle is considered one of the most successful marketing campaigns ever.

Nike’s “Just Do It” jingle has been used in countless ads, commercials, and promotional materials. Its message of self-empowerment resonates with people from all walks of life and encourages them to work hard towards their dreams. From athletes to entrepreneurs, this slogan reminds you to push through obstacles and never give up on what you believe in. It has also become popular among youth culture and is often used as a rallying cry for movements such as the Black Lives Matter movement.

The success of Nike’s “Just Do It” campaign can be attributed to its ability to connect with people emotionally while also providing an inspiring call to action. Despite being three simple words, it conveys a powerful message that resonates across multiple generations and cultures. As such, it’s unsurprising that this jingle has become one of the most recognizable slogans in advertising history and continues to inspire millions worldwide today. Its timeless message will undoubtedly remain one of the top jingles for years. Without a doubt, Skittles’ “Taste The Rainbow” will be hard-pressed to live up to this benchmark set by Nike’s classic slogan.

Skittles’ “Taste The Rainbow”

The Skittles’ “Taste the Rainbow” jingle has become iconic in its own right, much like a rainbow after a storm. It exemplifies how clever lyrics and catchy music can create something more than just a commercial jingle – they can make an anthem. The vocal was composed by Mark Mothersbaugh of Devo fame and recorded by the British group Apollo 440. The song is simple yet evocative: it starts with “Taste the rainbow” in a melodic, almost childlike way, followed by an upbeat chorus encouraging listeners to indulge in the colorful treats.

The song was first used in a commercial for Skittles in 1994 and has since been used in various forms, from television commercials to movies. It has also been parodied on Saturday Night Live and other shows. Its popularity endures because it combines humor with a fun message that appeals to adults and children alike. Moreover, its bouncy rhythm makes it easy to remember, ensuring that it will stay firmly lodged in people’s minds for years to come.

This timeless jingle is a testament to how powerful creative thinking can be when used in advertising campaigns – one catchy tune can make an advertisement unforgettable. As such, “Taste the Rremainses is one of the most famous jingles ever. With its charmingly simple lyrics and playful melody, it remains an enduring example of effective marketing at its best.

Alka-Seltzer’s “Plop Plop Fizz Fizz”

As the adage goes, “Good things come in threes.”” Alka-Seltzer’s famous jingle, “Plop plop fizz fizz,” is no exception. This iconic jingle was composed by Jack Taylor and recorded by Ray Stevens. It has been around since 1975 and is one of the most recognizable jingles ever. The memorable phrase was written to advertise Alka-Seltzer’s effervescent pain reliever tablets. The lyrics were purposely simple so that people would easily remember them, and the tune was catchy enough to stay in people’s heads long after they heard it.

The cleverly constructed phrase is used as a mnemonic device for teaching people how to use Alka-Seltzer tablets: drop two tablets into a glass of water and watch them dissolve with a “plop plop” noise before seeing the “fizz fizz” reaction when they hit the water. Additionally, it promotes the idea that taking Alka-Seltzer can relieve physical ailments such as coughing, headaches, indigestion, and heartburn. To this day, many people around the world still recognize this jingle even if they haven’t taken an Alka-Seltzer tablet in decades.

This jingle has become iconic not only because of its simplicity but also because of its lasting power over time. It transcended beyond its original purpose of advertising medication to become an enduring part of popular culture throughout America and beyond – making it one of the top 15 jingles of all time. With its catchy music and clever phraseology, it is easy to see why this jingle stands out among other classic advertising taglines. 

AOL’s “You Got Mail”

While some may argue that other jingles are more iconic than AOL’s “You’ve Got Mail,” the catchphrase has become part of popular culture since its debut in the 1990s. The jingle was used to announce when a user had received a new email message and quickly became synonymous with the internet. Here are four reasons why this jingle stands out:

  1. It was catchy and straightforward: The jingle was composed of just three words – “you’ve got mail” – yet it was instantly recognizable.
  2. It crossed over into film: The 1998 romantic comedy “You’ve Got Mail” starred Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan and featured the jingle prominently throughout the movie.
  3. It spawned imitators: Other companies soon followed suit, creating versions of the jingle to advertise their services, such as “You got faxes!” for fax machines or “You got voicemails!” for voicemail systems.
  4. It lives on in modern culture: Even today, nearly 20 years after its debut, people still reference the phrase when referring to emails or online messages, making it one of the most enduring jingles ever.

The influence of AOL’s “You’ve Got Mail” is undeniable; it is an iconic phrase that will live on long after its usage has faded. Transitioning to Coca-Cola’s “Always Coca-Cola,” its place in pop culture is arguably even more significant than AOL’s jingle…

Coca-Cola’s “Always Coca-Cola”

One example of a well-known jingle that has stood the test is Coca-Cola’s “Always Coca-Cola.” This jingle was used in advertising campaigns for Coca-Cola from 1993 to 2002 and has since become a classic. The lyrics describe the product using words like “refreshing,” delicious,” and “inviting,” with a catchy melody that appeals to listeners. It captures the essence of the product perfectly, making it an unforgettable advertisement.

The success of this jingle can also be attributed to its use of repetition and alliteration. The phrase “always Coca-Cola” is repeated three times, which helps drive home the message and reinforces brand identity. Additionally, alliteration is used several times throughout the jingle, such as “sippin’ and sippin’,” helping to create an additional layer of interest for listeners.

These features have allowed “Always Coca-Cola” to remain relevant even though it was first used over two decades ago. Its simple yet effective approach to conveying brand messaging has made it one of the most iconic jingles in history and an example for future jingles to follow. With this in mind, discussing Burger King’s “Have It Your Way” will provide further insights into successful songs.

Burger King’s “Have It Your Way”

Burger King’s “Have it Your Way” jingle has become an iconic earworm since its inception in 1974. With a catchy tune that is instantly recognizable and easy to remember, the deceptively simple slogan encapsulates Burger King’s philosophy of customer-centricity. The jingle has been the cornerstone of Burger King’s advertising campaigns for decades and continues to be used today.

Barry Manilow wrote the song with his then-producer Ron Dante, who also provided the lead vocal track. It was first used in television ads featuring comedian Richard Dawson as “the Burger King” character from the popular game show Family Feud. The jingle was a success from its initial release, with many customers singing along with the familiar melody.

Burger King’s “Have it Your Way” is one of the most successful jingles ever created and remains an indelible part of popular culture. The song’s longevity speaks to its ability to capture the imagination of audiences everywhere, making it one of the most memorable jingles of all time. Through its clever use of lyrics and music, “Have it Your Way” stands out as an example of how a simple phrase can have a lasting impact on consumers and their perception of a brand.

Mcdonald’s “Two All-Beef Patties, Special Sauce, Lettuce, Cheese, Pickles, Onions On A Sesame Seed Bun”

Coincidentally, a second jingle from Mcdonald’s is their iconic ‘two all-beef patties, special sauce, lettuce, cheese, pickles, onions on a sesame seed bun.” This tune was first introduced to the public in 1975 and became one of the most famous jingles in history. Its memorable lyrics have cemented it as an instantly recognizable earworm that sticks with people for years.

The success of this jingle can be attributed to its catchy melody and easy-to-remember words. It has been used in countless advertisements and parodies and is still heard today in various forms. The jingle has become so popular that it has even been covered by other artists in different styles. Additionally, it has been referenced by famous comedians such as Jerry Seinfeld, who used it as a running gag in his show.

This jingle stands out due to its simple but effective structure, which relies on repetition to convey its message. It is also an example of how a catchy commercial can stand the test of time and remain relevant decades after its debut. As such, McDonald’s “two all-beef patties, special sauce, lettuce, cheese, pickles, onions on a sesame seed bun” easily earns a spot among the top 15 jingles ever. 

Toys “R” Us’ “I Don’t Wanna Grow Up”

Toys “R” Us’ “I Don’t Wanna Grow Up” jingle is one of the most recognizable and memorable. The catchy tune has been around for over 30 years since its debut in 1987. It was composed by John Loesser and sung by actor-singer Dick Van Dyke. The song became an instant hit, resonating with children and adults alike.

The jingle tells a story about being a kid and not wanting to grow up, which many people can relate to on some level. It speaks to the desire to remain young and carefree forever. The catchy chorus of “I don’t wanna grow up, I’m a Toys ‘R’ Us kid!” reminds me of what it’s like to be a child, full of wonder and curiosity.

Some other notable aspects of this jingle include: 

  • Its upbeat tempo that gets stuck in your head 
  • Its simple yet effective lyrics 
  • Its widespread popularity among both children and adults

The success of this iconic jingle has endured throughout the decades and remains one of the most famous jingles ever produced. It’s easy to see why this memorable tune continues to capture the hearts and minds of so many people today.


Jingles have been around for decades and are still used today to create catchy and memorable marketing campaigns. Many of the most successful songs have become ingrained in our culture and are easily recognizable. They range from classic songs like “I’d Like to Buy the World a Coke” to modern tunes like Subway’s “Eat Fresh.” The top 15 songs of all time are iconic in their own right and demonstrate how effective a catchy tune can be in advertising.

These timeless classics have stood the test of time through their ability to connect with audiences in ways other forms of advertising cannot. Jingles can evoke strong emotions in listeners, making them more likely to remember what they heard. This is especially true for the most successful songs, which often provide an unforgettable experience long after they are they’ve aired on television or radio.

The future of jingles remains bright due to their unique ability to capture people’s attention and leave a lasting impression. As technology advances, so too will the potential for creating even more memorable jingles that will captivate audiences worldwide. With the right combination of words, rhythm, and a sprinkle of creative genius, there is no limit to what kind of musical masterpiece can be created next. After all, music is one language everyone can understand!

Click here to get a jingle started for your business today.